Pubblications // INFRASTRUCTURES

China's Belt and Road Initiative 500 days after the 2017 Beijing Summit: developments and prospects

Rome - 2018, October 1st - An International Conference by Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and Easternational. In attachment: Photo Gallery and Speakers Power Point Presentations.

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The Arctic and the New Silk Roads

In a world where everything has been explored, the Arctic represents the new frontier. The area, rich in raw materials, is also a key transit point to link the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

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BRI projects in Brazil: a port at the entrance of the Amazon River

With the cancellation of the TPP, South America is looking for new business partners. Despite the geographical distance, China with the BRI offers the perfect opportunity.

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Switzerland: a determining role within the BRI

During the interview given to Telenord on the occasion of the 'Opportunities for Switzerland within the New Silk Road' conference, Riccardo Fuochi underlines the determining role of the country. The opportunity to seize benefits coming from the BRI, however, is also linked to the Italian intervention in the infrastructural sector, in order to achieve the complete connection to get access to Central Europe.

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About us!

Many newspapers have published articles about our last event - 'Opportunities for Switzerland within the New Silk Road'. Read the full articles here in this section.

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Belt & Road China Connectivity Index

To understand the extent of a project, concrete data is necessary: the success of the Belt and Road Initiative through the 'Belt & Road China Connectivity Index'.

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The role of Italy in the BRI

the speeches of Italian and foreign experts who took part to the session moderated by Marco Marazzi during the second edition of the forum 'Shipping, Forwarding&Logistics meet Industry' explains what is the position of Italy in the Belt and Road Initiative.

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Has the Italy-China direct freight train already failed?

Source: 12/02/2018

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The Silk Road can reach Genoa, but it must be done soon

Source: 02/02/2018

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The Silk Road in Genoa

Source: Milano Finanza 23/01/18

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The end of the line: Genoa?

Source: MF 20/01/18

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What carries the train that in 18 days goes from Pavia to China

source: 29/11/17

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Chinese ships in Sicily? First of all, we need to deepen the port seabed.

Source: La Sicilia 25/10/17

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New rail routes between China and Europe will change trade patterns

source: The Economist 14/09/17

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Why (and how) China wants to reach Milan by train

Source: 15/07/17

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What Did China Accomplish at the Belt and Road Forum?

Source: 16/05/2017

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The five main projects of the Belt and Road Initiative

Source: 15/05/2017

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The New Silk Road, Chinese Globalism. For Italy the challenge is played on the ports

Source: e 14/05/2017

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Belt and Road Initiative: opportunities for Italian’s companies

Summary on Easternational's first meeting

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Aiib, thirteen new members for the regional bank

Source: 23/03/2017

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Europe and Asia are closer. Let's face the "New Silk Roads"

Source: Corriere Imprese Emilia-Romagna 27/02/2017

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Italian ports along the silk road

Source: del 15/07/2016

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Chongqing, the new China lab

Source: MF International CINA ITALIA June 2016

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Great work in progress

Source: MF International CINA ITALIA June 2016

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Areas of interest

Infrastructures (38)
Trade (40)
Direct Investments (52)
Geopolitical aspects (32)

Geographical areas

Italy (41)
China (70)
Russia (7)
Europe (46)
Asia (33)

Reserved area

